Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wholesome Recreational Activities

Zack and I went deer hunting up to Mackay over the weekend. It was so much fun to get to spend some quality time together as a couple and do the thing we love most (spending time in the great outdoors)! We got up early and hit the mountains before light. We hiked, hiked, and hiked some more before we finally ran into a heard of nine does (thanks to my father in-law who used the radio to tell us where they were). I shot first (as always since my husband is such a gentleman) and then Zack shot. We had both our deer down by 9:00 a.m.
My shot placement was perfect, straight through the heart!
I wonder if my brother in-laws can beat that?! Ha, Ha, Ha...

Thank you so much to my great friend Tiffany who took all three of our girls so Zack and I could go hunting together. Bless her heart. She spoiled them rotten by taking them shopping and swimming, and then she did not even complain when we found out that Izzie woke her up six times in the middle of the night. The girls loved it and Zack and I are very grateful for her service to our family.

On top of all that exciting news, all the girls were sick over the past week. Keely spent much of her time watching "Tinker Bell" over and over no thanks to her nasty fevers.
Keely also got a new haircut this week. Her big sister Mackee Rae thought it would be fun to cut her hair for her. So, we will be speding the next several months growing out bangs and the chunk that was cut off on the top. It was a good thing we decided to get our family pictures taken before they decided to turn my bathroom into a hair salon.
Izzie Arlene Koehler has officially found her toes
this past week.
It is so cute to see her play with them!


Anonymous said...

check you out hunter lady!! That is so cool! :) And how fun to get away from the kids for a bit...not that we don't love our children...everyone needs some good one on one time with the hubby!! :) So sad about Keely's haircut!! That is my worst fear that one of my girls will cut their own or each others!! AAAHH!! Izzie is such a cutie pie! I love when they discover their toes...Brooklyn loved to chew on hers!
I really don't know if we can be friends now that I know you cheered for the Bees!! ha ha ha! oh the good ol' days of cheering in high school! are you guys still planning on making shirts for Twilight?? I am still bummed I won't be there! Take lots of pictures for me!

Lefgren Family said...

Good job Raquel, that's a big deer you have there. Do you clean them or does that nice husband of yours do it for you? Yuck. Very cute picts of you and the family!

Lindsay said...

It looks like you and Zack had a great time! That's cool that you were able to get some time together!! I'm thinkin Mackee should probably go to beauty school before she puts those scissors to work! Haha it must be a sister thing! :-)
I love being able to read your blog and learn about the daily activites that go on in your life! It makes me feel a little less distant.
I can't wait for our girls outting! I promise I will have the 4th book done by thanksgiving so we can talk about it! I've been such a slacker, but no more! I will get it read! take care! Love ya!

Bowman Bunch said...

Deer pics look good. Good job. That is so awesome.

wrussell said...

Love the deer pictures.

Sherise de Wit said...

Well next year for sure Nate and I will have to go hunting with you and Zack for sure. I love hunting, it's so much fun.

Keely's hair will grow back no worries, I remember when my babysitter cut my hair. It must be something we all go through at one point in time cuz I remember looking like a little boy for a while there.

See you at thanksgiving!