Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Feast!

I am thankful for my family!

Grandma Rae and Izzie Arlene!

We were able to go back home (Idaho Falls) for the Thanksgiving holiday and visit with all of our family. It was a lot of fun! I think I may have gained 10 pounds from all the wonderful food we ate. We stayed with my aunt and uncle and it was wonderful. The girls loved it, and we are very grateful for their hospitality.

My aunt Melissa did a wonderful job of cooking and coordinating all of the colors to match the fall season. We had a blast stuffing ourselves and then playing games with each other. However, we were also sad because it was the first Thanksgiving where Grandpa Hunt was absent due to serious health problems. He is currently in the Salt Lake Hosipital. We are praying for him every day and we miss him terribly. May the Lord comfort him and my grandma during their time of need.

We also got to spend time with Zack's family and that was very enjoyable as well. After the big hunting trip that the guys took over the weekend, I think I have officially proved that I am the better shot. It only took them a whole box of shells before they were able to harvest their deer.
Thank you to Farren and Melissa for taking us to
The Forgotten Carols!
We will never forget it!
Thank you to Katie for babysitting my girls and playing with them constantly, thank you to Sherise for going shopping with me, and thank you to Lindsay for making me feel young again by playing truth or dare with us. I promise I will not tell anybody what fun entertainment you provided.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Crafts of the week!
It was one crafty week. I spent a lot of time doing stuff for the girls. We made these really cute Thanksgiving Turkeys for the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving! They were lots of fun to make, but after making 18 of them for all my preschool students I was ready to move on to something else.

The Halloween pillowcases I made for the girls were such a hit that I decided to make them a Christmas one. We will see if I can reach my goal of one for every Holiday. They are super easy to make and my kids absolutely love them. It makes bedtime and naptime a lot more fun!
I was getting tired of my fancy hair accessories getting smashed, so I put together this cute bow/flower holder for the girls. Now I just need to fill it up.
Besides all the crafting, it was kind of a crazy week. Keely was throwing a temper tantrum in the bathroom and hit her mouth on the toilet. Needless to say, she has knocked two bottom teeth loose. I called the dentist and they said there was not much they could do unless they were fractured and then they might have to pull them. In the meantime, I was told just to watch them and see if they tighten back up on their own. Everytime she gets bumped in the mouth she starts to bleed. Hopefully, they will be okay.

Girls' Night Out!


On Friday night my friends and I went to the new hit movie TWILIGHT... If you have not read the books, then you are missing out. They are to die for and the movie would not be the same without the novels. I am happy to say that I finished book 4 this week. Just in time for our girls' night out. My friend Jessica and I made Twilight shirts for the special event. Everybody loved them! We all had a blast at the movies and then to top it off we went out to a late night dinner. Just us girls for a change - no boys allowed. I told Zack that I loved my date with Edward, but that there was no reason to be jealous because he is just a dreamy character. The movie really did make my heart throb.

I am a little suprised that we did not get kicked out the movie theater after all the popcorn throwing we did while waiting for the show to start.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wholesome Recreational Activities

Zack and I went deer hunting up to Mackay over the weekend. It was so much fun to get to spend some quality time together as a couple and do the thing we love most (spending time in the great outdoors)! We got up early and hit the mountains before light. We hiked, hiked, and hiked some more before we finally ran into a heard of nine does (thanks to my father in-law who used the radio to tell us where they were). I shot first (as always since my husband is such a gentleman) and then Zack shot. We had both our deer down by 9:00 a.m.
My shot placement was perfect, straight through the heart!
I wonder if my brother in-laws can beat that?! Ha, Ha, Ha...

Thank you so much to my great friend Tiffany who took all three of our girls so Zack and I could go hunting together. Bless her heart. She spoiled them rotten by taking them shopping and swimming, and then she did not even complain when we found out that Izzie woke her up six times in the middle of the night. The girls loved it and Zack and I are very grateful for her service to our family.

On top of all that exciting news, all the girls were sick over the past week. Keely spent much of her time watching "Tinker Bell" over and over no thanks to her nasty fevers.
Keely also got a new haircut this week. Her big sister Mackee Rae thought it would be fun to cut her hair for her. So, we will be speding the next several months growing out bangs and the chunk that was cut off on the top. It was a good thing we decided to get our family pictures taken before they decided to turn my bathroom into a hair salon.
Izzie Arlene Koehler has officially found her toes
this past week.
It is so cute to see her play with them!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Crazy Week!

We just posted our new family pictures on our blog! Let us know what you think... We have been so busy chasing the girls around the house this week that Zack and I are going crazy. Miss Keely Jane has hit the terrible two's this week. She got a hold of a permanent marker and drew all over our couches, entertainment center, and walls. She also managed to stamp up the kitchen table and the bathroom sink with a stamp pad. Thankfully we were able to get most of it scrubbed off. Everything but the couches that is. I met with Mackee's teacher this week for parent/teacher conferences and she is doing really well. Her teacher said academically she is right on track... Good job, Mackee! Zack has been sick with a fever and a sinus headache this week, which is no fun. As for me, I started book 3 from the TWILIGHT series. Best Books Ever! They are soooooo good. A bunch of my friends and I got advanced movie tickets for the upcoming movie. I am looking forward to the girls' night out!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

The Wizard of Oz Family!
We had so much fun on the night of Halloween! We loaded all of us up and some of our close friends, the Bowman's, in the bed of our truck and drove around as we trick or treated. We had plenty of blankets and hot cocoa to keep us warm. All the kids loved it! After hitting a few houses, we ended up at another wards trunk or treat and then back to the Bowman's house for a PARTY! The kids got to have a doughnut eating contest and go fishing for prizes. To top the night off we made the guys participate in a pie eating contest, which Zack ended up winning! Too bad I forgot my camera because it would have made for a funny picture.
Our ward had a Halloween carnival a couple nights before Halloween. The girls got pretty butterflies painted on their faces. We got lots of compliments on our costumes and we thought Mackee made the perfect Dorothy! Keely took off her costume after wearing it for a few short minutes.