Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Crafts of the week!
It was one crafty week. I spent a lot of time doing stuff for the girls. We made these really cute Thanksgiving Turkeys for the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving! They were lots of fun to make, but after making 18 of them for all my preschool students I was ready to move on to something else.

The Halloween pillowcases I made for the girls were such a hit that I decided to make them a Christmas one. We will see if I can reach my goal of one for every Holiday. They are super easy to make and my kids absolutely love them. It makes bedtime and naptime a lot more fun!
I was getting tired of my fancy hair accessories getting smashed, so I put together this cute bow/flower holder for the girls. Now I just need to fill it up.
Besides all the crafting, it was kind of a crazy week. Keely was throwing a temper tantrum in the bathroom and hit her mouth on the toilet. Needless to say, she has knocked two bottom teeth loose. I called the dentist and they said there was not much they could do unless they were fractured and then they might have to pull them. In the meantime, I was told just to watch them and see if they tighten back up on their own. Everytime she gets bumped in the mouth she starts to bleed. Hopefully, they will be okay.


Lindsay said...

Your girly's are so cute! I can't wait to see them this week!!!!

Sherise de Wit said...

Poor, poor Keely I hope her teeth are going to be alright.

I'm so exxcited for this weekend. We're going to have a blast!!

You should teach my how to make pillow cases that would be fun!