Saturday, December 20, 2008

Preschool Fun!

Special Preschool Visitors
This week for Preschool, I had a Santa Claus come and visit my class during our Christmas party. All of my students loved him and I even let Mackee stay home from kindergarten for the party. It was just too much fun, and she loved it!
A big thank you to our good friend, Glenn. We could not have done it without him. He made the perfect Santa... (SHHH!)
Another fun visitor we had at preschool this week was Fireman Mick! He came to teach all the preschool kids about fire safety. He even let all of the kids try on his gear for fun!

Our snack of the day was a S'more on top of firewood. I am sharing this because it might help remind those reading this post to talk to their kids about fire safety. It would also make for a great FHE lesson. Sadly, my grandparents house burned down so it is something that I worry about. After discussing fire safety with your kids, you could make the yummy treat below together.

Here are some tips that Fireman Mick shared... *talk to your kids about the emergency phone number 911 *practice setting off the smoke detector and teach them to crawl out on their hands and knees (below the smoke) *stop drop & roll *assign a special meeting place (ours is the mialbox). Whenever your kids see a fireman, have them hold up two fingers - this tells the fireman that they know you know to replace the batteries in your smoke detector two times a year.

S'more Cupcake on Firewood

Firewood = pretzel sticks, S'more = cupcake, frosting, sprinkled graham cracker crumbs, mini marshmallows, hershey bar chunks.

1 comment:

The Mohrmann Family said...

This is a wonderful idea for family Home Evening! I am going to do it! Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas!!