Thursday, May 7, 2009

Izzie's Crawling!

Finally after 11 month's IZZIE ARLENE is crawling. She has been our latest crawler but she finally figured it out. It's so cute to see her find her way around the house. Although I must say it was kinda nice that it took her this long to be mobile. Now we have to worry about stairs and all the things she seems to find which go directly in her mouth.

On top of crawling she has progressed in so many other ways. She is clapping! It's adorable because sometimes it's almost like she is proud of herself. She is also saying "da, da, da" and "hi". She waves bye bye and can blow kisses. The Kisses exspecially will make your heart melt.

I have to post a picture of these adorable socks. My mom's good friend Ramona made them for Izzie and there are darling. Even Izzie loves them. Thanks Mona can't wait to see what other cute things you come up with.

Mackee is not only the big sister but she is our little mommy. She loves Izzie to pieces. She will beg me sometimes to let her pick out Izzies clothes for the day and then asks if she can dress her. It's like she has her own personal doll.

Here is a pic of Mackee dressing her.
Izzie was so impressed she was clapping!


Brysons said...

Congrats on Izzie crawling! That's too funny that our babies both figured it out at the same time when they're several months apart! I'm a little jealous that she waited so long--it makes life a little harder, huh?? I kinda wish Jake would've been a little slower--7 months is too early!

Anonymous said...

Aww...Izzie!! she is too cute!! :)