Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Moon Party!

It wouldn't be a GIRLS NIGHT OUT
without a NEW MOON!

All of us girls will come up with any excuse to have a party so once again on 3.20.10 when the dvd released for NEW MOON we celebrated!

JaMmIe PaRtY GrOuP!
Jaclyn, Shera, Camie, Deidre, Raquel, Cathy, Jaymalee, Annette

I made everyone a cute character necklace to wear - it was fun because we pretended we were that character for the night!

What can I say - I have gOoFy friends!

I am so grateful to be blessed with such great friends!
Although I love being a wife and mother,
it's so nice to get together and have some
ME TIME once in awhile :0)


Adrianne Miller said...

You do such creative things. I am always so impressed.
I wish we lived in the same state so we could hang out sometime. I would love to go to your Twilight parties.
Okay, I LOVE your family picture. That turned out so dang cute!

Family of Fun said...

I can't believe how big your girls are getting! I love your new family picture. Jason was loving the BIG fish Zack caught! Sounds like you guys are busy, but doing well! GREAT to hear!