Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kickin' Off Spring with SOCCER

Mackee started spring soccer this month and how CUTE it is to watch her play. They had their first game this week at 9:30 am and we literally froze our butt's off! As you will notice - the girls are all playing in their coats. My hands were so cold that I only managed to snap a few pictures.
She LOVES playing this sport - it makes me wonder if she is going to be more into sports then girly things like dance and gymnastics.
Lucky her - DAD is the team coach!
He is AMAZING with these girls! I love watching him with them.
At the game I heard him say "do you wanna play sweetheart?" to this adorable little girl on the opposite team.
Can you tell he has THREE little princess at home?


Steelhead Fishing

For those of you who know Zack well, then you know that he has a strong passion for fly fishing. He managed to get away for two weekends in a row this month so he could go fish the Clearwater with some of his friends and family. Although the fishing wasn't that great - he had a good time. Except for his ANNUAL speeding ticket that he got on his drive up there. It never fails - every year he gets a speeding ticket when he goes on a "guys" weekend trip! Needless to say I told him from now on he gets to be the back seat driver when he takes these trips.

New Moon Party!

It wouldn't be a GIRLS NIGHT OUT
without a NEW MOON!

All of us girls will come up with any excuse to have a party so once again on 3.20.10 when the dvd released for NEW MOON we celebrated!

JaMmIe PaRtY GrOuP!
Jaclyn, Shera, Camie, Deidre, Raquel, Cathy, Jaymalee, Annette

I made everyone a cute character necklace to wear - it was fun because we pretended we were that character for the night!

What can I say - I have gOoFy friends!

I am so grateful to be blessed with such great friends!
Although I love being a wife and mother,
it's so nice to get together and have some
ME TIME once in awhile :0)