All Because Two People Fell In Love...
I have no idea what I am doing when it come to this blogging thing, but apparently it is the new thing that everybody is doing so I thought I would give it a try. I figured it would be an easier way to be able to keep in touch with close family and friends.
As you can tell by the above picture. This is our beautiful family. A family of girls. It is crazy to think how fast our children our growing. Mackee, Keely, and Izzie have been a wonderful blessing for Zack and I. We are truly grateful for their precious spirits.
Halloween is underway and the girls are so exicted! We took some time and let the girls decorate pumpkins by turning them into some scary looking bats. They absolutely loved it! They especially liked getting to use spray paint.
That was an adventure!
I love the holidays so I made some Halloween pillowcases for the girls to sleep on for the month of October this year. That brought some SPOOKY fun to our house. I just about have all our costumes ready for the big day. We will be going as the WIZARD OF OZ family. Mackee is going to be Dorothy, Keely is going as the Lion, Izzie will be the (nice - as Mackee puts it) Wicked Witch, and I will be the Scarecrow. We are still trying to talk dad into going as the Tin Man, but he keeps telling us he is going as a pipefitter. In other words, he is going as himself. I guess we will see, but I personally think dad would make the best Tin Man ever because of his shinny bald head.
Outside all the Holiday fun, Kindergarten is going really well for Mackee. She loves it! Her teacher is named Mrs. Parke and she is the sweetest thing ever. We have been learning how to sound out words so hopefully she will be reading soon. She loves to write words down. I went and bought her a little journal so she can copy words and she would do it all day if I would let her.
Keely is officially potty trained during the daytime. I have to say, she was ten times easier than Mackee was. We pretty much let her do her own thing and as long as she gets her TOOTSIE ROLL she is good to go. I am going to be taking her in shortly for her first haircut. It has taken two years but it is finally starting to get some length to it.

Izzie is doing really well. She is growing like a weed. We have been having some problems nursing, so we are in the process of starting to wean but she does not like that very much. She loves her new bouncer that Grandma Rae got her, and I swear up and down she is more of a daddy's girl than a mommy's. I guess dad just has that special touch. She is turning 5 months old tommorrow.