Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rainbow Necklaces & Face Painting

Rainbow Necklaces: 5 drops of your favorite food coloring mixed with 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol. Let large pieces of pasta soak in the mixture for 1hr. After the pasta dries out let your kids string it onto yarn and make a pretty necklace. Make all the colors you want!

I am not the most talented face painter, but I tried. Thankfully, the girls don't expect perfection.

Keely and her butterfly!

Mackee and my attempt at Cinderella!

Notice the pretty necklaces they are wearing!


Elizabeth said...

How fun! I will have to make some of that colored pasta for my kids. You guys have such great ideas.

Lindsay said...

Looks like you've been having more fun than you know what to do with! Glad I get to see you this weekend! I'm excited!